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360-Degree Cancer Treatment

The TomoTherapy® System is a radiation delivery system that can be efficiently used to treat cancer cells anywhere in the body.

It uses a specialized technology called a multileaf collimator and is designed like a CT scanner. These features enable targeted, precise delivery of radiation to tumors, while minimizing the exposure of radiation to surrounding healthy tissue, resulting in fewer side effects for patients.

  • Multileaf collimator: Divides the radiation beam dose into thousands of smaller beams that deliver different doses of radiation to the tumor, allowing for a more customized and precise delivery of radiation to the tumor site, and minimizing exposure of healthy surrounding tissue. 
  • CT scanner: Enables daily imaging of the tumor to ensure accurate targeting of the tumor, even when its size or position has changed. In addition, it enables extreme precision of radiation targeting by delivering radiation from every angle, 360 degrees around the body.

Precise Radiation Delivery

The unique features of the TomoTherapy System allow for efficient and extremely precise delivery of radiation to the tumor site.

It also provides minimization of radiation to surrounding organs and healthy tissue, and minimal side effects for a wide range of radiation oncology patients, including those with large tumors or tumors in multiple sites.

  • Because of the precise delivery of the radiation dose, the TomoTherapy System can be used for treating tumors that have reoccurred, often when these patients are not candidates to receive additional radiation from traditional delivery systems.
  • TomoTherapy treatments are non-invasive and typically pain-free.
  • Treatment with the TomoTherapy System can result in fewer side effects than with traditional radiation delivery systems because it minimizes exposure of healthy tissue to radiation.
  • The TomoTherapy System can efficiently treat large tumors, or multiple tumors in different areas of the body in the same treatment session.
  • The TomoTherapy System allows for active monitoring of tumor changes throughout the treatment cycle, enabling physicians to adjust and customize the treatment plan to ensure precision of radiation delivery.
  • The TomoTherapy System is an open, wide circular structure that looks similar to a CT scan. Patients rest comfortably on a treatment table that moves through the ring during treatment delivery. 
  • The TomoTherapy System is clinically proven to be effective and improve patients’ quality of life. 
  •  The TomoTherapy System allows for the radiation treatment to be delivered based on an image of the tumor and surrounding anatomy taken daily. Less-than-daily imaging can introduce error in radiation dose delivery. In a study looking at the impact of imaging frequency, even every-other-day imaging resulted in a >3mm error in 31% of treatment sessions.
  • Side effects of TomoTherapy treatment are usually mild and temporary, and may include nausea, fatigue and skin irritation. As with any radiation treatment, the side effects can also be severe in some patients and lead to permanent injury or even death. Talk to your doctor to determine if treatment with the TomoTherapy System is right for you.
  • The TomoTherapy System is manufactured by Accuray. In a survey of radiation therapy medical professionals that use Accuray products, 84% were highly satisfied with the accuracy and precision of Accuray systems. Comparatively, with radiation therapy medical professionals that use the other radiation delivery systems available in the US, only 60 – 70% of them were highly satisfied with accuracy and precision of the systems manufactured by other companies.

TomoTherapy® Breast Cancer Messaging

  • Results of a study of the TomoTherapy System treatment of post-surgical breast cancer patients showed TomoTherapy optimized radiation delivery to the tumor site while minimizing radiation delivery to nearby organs, including the lungs and heart.
  • Standard treatment of early stage breast cancer is surgery followed by 6-7 weeks of daily radiation therapy. Radiation therapy with a TomoTherapy System can result in comparable clinical outcomes and reduce treatments to 4 weeks of daily treatment. This is because the precision of radiation delivered by the TomoTherapy System enables the full dose of radiation to be delivered more efficiently, while minimizing exposure of radiation to surrounding healthy tissue.

TomoTherapy® Prostate Cancer Messaging

  • The results of a clinical study of 241 patients treated with the TomoTherapy System for localized prostate cancer, showed the vast majority of patients (98%) experienced minimal side effects, all of which could be managed with medication to control symptoms.

Call 620-662-1212 with questions or to make your appointment today.​

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