Announcement: Due to snow, all of our buildings are closed Monday, Jan 6th. If you need medications, call 620-663-7595. If you are in crisis, call 800-794-0163 or go to your local ER.

Learn & Play Therapeutic Center

Learn & Play Therapeutic Center

Your Child’s Mental Health is Important

The Learn & Play Therapeutic Center (LPTC) is a program designed for children ages 3-5 who are exhibiting signs of emotional or behavioral problems.  It is a program developed to work within the preschool classroom focusing on assisting those students with a need for emotional or behavioral support to maintain and excel in the classroom setting.  Improving chances of future academic success, as well as improving skills needed to succeed in the home and other community settings.  

LPTC has many advantages over a traditional preschool.  These advantages include:

  • Smaller child/teacher ratios with 4 children or less to each staff member
  • The ability to modify the structure and atmosphere to meet the child’s mental health needs
  • The treatment team has improved communication and ability to observe the child in a classroom setting
  • The Primary focus is on the Social and Emotional needs of the child
  • LPTC is a resource for families whose children have been removed from other education/care settings

To learn more information, or to enroll your child at LPTC, call 620-663-7595.  

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