Announcement: Due to snow, all of our buildings are closed Monday, Jan 6th. If you need medications, call 620-663-7595. If you are in crisis, call 800-794-0163 or go to your local ER.

ABC – Attachment and Bio-behavioral Catch up

ABC – Attachment and Bio-behavioral Catch up

Parenting with Help from Horizons

Horizons offers Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) to parents and caregivers with babies between the ages of 6 months to 4 years. ABC is designed to help you read, identify, and respond to your baby’s signals.

ABC will strengthen your positive relationship with a child, while aiding in the child’s healthy development.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

Children who have experienced adversity early in life often are at higher risk to develop problems with behavior, learning, and emotional and physical health. Often they have difficulty regulating their behavioral and physical response to stress. Nurturing and responsive parenting – learned and enhanced through ABC – works to minimize those effects. 

Benefits of ABC

Children and families who have participated in ABC have shown the following lasting improvements:

  • Fewer and less intense tantrums
  • Increased self-control
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Improved ability to manage change
  • Easier soothing
  • Reduction in parenting stress
  • Strengthened brain development
  • Less frustration from challenging activities
  • Better regulation of stress hormones
  • Fewer social and emotional problems
  • More secure attachment

This program consists of:

  • Ten one-hour sessions in your home with a parent coach and structured topics to assist parents/caregivers and the child.
  • Positive feedback during sessions using video clip review and commenting.
  • A celebration and special DVD gift of you and your child upon conclusion.

Program supported by:

  • Center for Children and Families/University of Kansas School of Social Welfare
  • United Methodist Health Ministry Fund
  • Hutchinson Community Foundation
  • Horizons Mental Health Center

If interested in this program or for more information, please call Kylee Gross at 620-663-7595

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