Hutchinson Regional Medical Foundation » Capital Improvements » New ICU Addition
The Hutchinson Regional Medical Foundation contributed $4 million to the new Intensive Care Unit at Hutchinson Regional Medical Center (HRMC). This is the second largest donation ever from the Medical Foundation, behind a $6 million donation to the Emergency Department.
“That’s our mission” said HRMF President Jim Gilliland “to receive gifts and memorials from people who have a good association with the hospital and want to give charitably. We accumulate that, invest it, and, when the need arises, offer help.”
Construction of the new ICU facility began in early 2017. The new ICU facility is a renovation of the previous ICU facility with an extension added to the north side of HRMC.
The new ICU is a circular, 25,000-plus square foot facility. Each of the eighteen rooms are 300 to 400 square feet, nearly double the size of the previous ICU rooms. Over the bed booms allow the nurses easier access to patients. The booms also control any wires, cables, cords, or tubes that could otherwise get in the way.