Input Requested for Community Health Assessment

Input Requested for Community Health Assessment

In conjunction with the Healthcare Access Taskforce, Hutchinson Regional Medical Center is conducting a Community Health Assessment (CHA). The CHA guides community organizations to what are the greatest needs facing Reno County residents and areas of focus regarding the health and well-being of our community.

For the first part of the CHA, we are asking Reno County residents to participate in an online 3-question survey to identify the community’s top priorities. The questions are related to overall concerns, health concerns, and school concerns. In April, the second part of the CHA survey will take place with 210 randomly selected households for a more in-depth discussion regarding the issues the community at large identified in the first part of the survey.

The anonymous survey can be accessed now through Monday, February 21.

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Heroes of the Hospital

Heroes of the Hospital

“I’m not sure I will ever be able to repay my gratitude for the people who loved my parents while at Hutch Regional. They didn’t just work to heal their ailments, but truly loved on them. It was remarkable to experience,” said Kent. “These people, the nurses, are the heroes of the hospital. I always believed it about my mom and it is true for your staff as well.”

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