Companies get an early start on the campaign to serve as an inspiration for the regular United Way campaign. The HRHS campaign kicks off on August 12 and concludes on August 30. It is our hope that our combined efforts will result in several hundred thousand dollars in pledges to be announced when the main campaign is launched on September 3, with a completion date set for November 15. If necessary, the full campaign may be extended into the New Year so that every company and organization within Reno County will have an opportunity to participate.
United Way of Reno County has set an ambitious goal of $1,350,000 for this year’s campaign. Twenty five organizations receive funds each year including Hospice and HomeCare of Reno County and Horizons Mental Health Center.
Employee meetings will be scheduled for every work group within the HRHS entities. Special activities are planned at Horizons and Hospice, and the annual basket auction and raffle at the hospital will end on August 28. This year, out of respect for the early date, the traditional chili feed will be replaced with a pancake breakfast, complete with scramble eggs and real bacon and sausage.
Contributing to United Way is, as always, voluntary.
United Way of Reno County does a tremendous job in fulfilling support of their stated goals–education, income stability and health. By contributing to United Way, you can be assured that our contribution will stay in our community helping others help themselves.
Thanks for your past support of United Way of Reno County, and we hope you will help again this year.